

Imagine an animal with teeth as big as bananas – and a brain as big as an orange. Or a flying animal with wings as wide as a small plane. Think about a tail that could knock a man’s head off, or a mouth with hundreds of teeth. Is it any surprise that people are interested in dinosaurs?

Nobody has ever seen a living dinosaur, but millions of us go every year to stare at the bones of these enormous animals. In books, films and games, we can’t get enough of the secrets of the dinosaur world …



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  1. archosaur: a very early kind of dinosaur
  2. attract: to make somebody like something
  3. bear: a big wild animal with thick fur
  4. bone: one of the hard white parts inside the body of an animal; (adj) bony
  5. brain: the part of the head that thinks and remembers
  6. breathe: to take air in through your nose or mouth
  7. club: a heavy stick with one thick end, used as a weapon
  8. cold-blooded: having a body temperature that changes as the air or water temperature changes
  9. continent: a very large area of land, e.g. Africa
  10. crocodile: a big animal with a long tail and a big mouth with sharp teeth
  11. defend: to fight to keep away things that attack
  12. dung: solid waste from animals
  13. Earth: the world
  14. elephant: a very big wild animal from Africa or Asia, with a long nose that hangs down
  15. enormous: very big
  16. evolve: to change slowly over time
  17. female: belonging to the sex that can have babies
  18. fossil: part of a dead plant or animal that has changed to rock over a long time; (v)
  19. fossilize: to become a fossil
  20. herd: a big group of animals of the same kind
  21. hollow: with an empty space inside
  22. huge: very big
  23. human: a person, not an animal or machine
  24. hunt: to chase animals and kill them
  25. iguana: a large American lizard
  26. imagine: to make a picture of something in your mind
  27. insect: a very small animal that has six legs
  28. jaw: one of the two bones in the head that hold the teeth
  29. lay: (past tense laid) to bring an egg out of the body
  30. lion: a large wild animal of the cat family
  31. lizard: a small animal that has four legs and a long tail
  32. male: belonging to the sex that cannot have babies
  33. mammal: an animal that drinks milk from its mother’s body when it is young
  34. model: a copy of something
  35. mouse: a small animal with a long tail
  36. museum: a place where you can look at old or interesting things
  37. nest: a place where a bird or snake keeps its eggs and its babies
  38. ornithiscian: a plant-eating dinosaur with very thick skin
  39. period: an amount of time
  40. rhinoceros: a big animal with thick skin and a horn on its nose
  41. sand: very small pieces of rock that you find on beaches
  42. sauropod: a big plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and tail
  43. scientist: a person who studies natural things
  44. sharp: with a point that cuts or makes holes easily
  45. snake: an animal with a long thin body and no legs
  46. theropod: a meat-eating dinosaur
  47. up to: as much as or as many as
  48. victim: someone who suffers as the result of a crime
  49. volcano: a mountain with a hole in the top where fire and gas sometimes come out
  50. warm-blooded: having a body temperature that does not change when the air or water temperature changes
  51. weight: how heavy something is; (v) weigh
  52. wound: a hurt place in the body