The Elephant Man


He is not beautiful. His mother does not want him, children run away from him. People laugh at him, and call him ‘The Elephant Man’.

Then someone speaks to him – and listens to him! At the age of 27, Joseph Merrick finds a friend for the first time in his life.

This is a true and tragic story. It is also a famous film.


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  1. Bath: when you want to wash your body, you sit in a bath full of water
  2. Below: under
  3. Beside: next to
  4. Bible: the most important book for Christians
  5. Box: (in a theatre) a small ‘room’; you can watch the stage from a box, but other people can’t see you
  6. Cab: an old word for ‘taxi’
  7. Card: a piece of paper with your name and address on it (visiting card); or a card with a picture and a greeting on it (e.g. a Christmas card)
  8. Chairman: an important man in the hospital
  9. Cloth: trousers, coats, dresses, etc. are made from cloth
  10. (the) country: not the town
  11. Creature: a living animal
  12. Drop: to let something fall
  13. Editor: the most important person in a newspaper office
  14. Elephant: a very big grey animal with a long nose and big ears
  15. Enormous: very big
  16. Yours Faithfully: you write “Yours Faithfully” at the end of a formal letter
  17. Fingers: you have five fingers on each hand
  18. Fish: fish live in rivers and in the sea
  19. Food: what you eat
  20. Gentleman: a man from an important family
  21. Glass: you drink tea from a cup, you drink water from a glass
  22. Heavy: it is difficult to carry heavy things; 1,000 kilos is very heavy
  23. By himself: nobody was with him
  24. Hip: the place where your leg joins your body
  25. Hole: an empty space or opening in something
  26. Horrible: not nice; people are often afraid of ‘horrible’ things
  27. Kind: nice, good; a kind person often helps people
  28. Knee: the middle of your leg where it bends
  29. Lady: a woman from an important family
  30. Life: your life stops when you die
  31. Lighthouse: a tall building by or in the sea, with a strong light; the lights tells ships that there are dangerous rocks
  32. Like (preposition): not different; e.g. a river is like the sea, because it is made of water
  33. Loudly: with a lot of noise
  34. (His/Her/Your) Majesty: when you speak to a king or a queen, you say ‘Your Majesty’
  35. Marry: to take somebody as your husband or wife
  36. Mirror: a piece of special glass; you can see your face in a mirror
  37. Neck: your neck is between your head and your body
  38. Newspaper: you read a newspaper to know what is happening in the world
  39. Nose: your nose is between your eyes and your mouth
  40. Place: where something or someone is (a room, a house, a town, etc.)
  41. Play: (n) you go to the theatre to see a play
  42. Police: the police help people; they also put bad people in prison
  43. Present: something that you give or get from somebody (e.g. a birthday present)
  44. Prison: a building for bad people; they must stay there and cannot leave
  45. Queen: the most important woman in Britain
  46. Sad: not happy
  47. Scream: to make a loud high cry because you are afraid or angry
  48. Shake hands (past tense shook) to hold somebody’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting
  49. Shopkeeper: a person who has a small shop
  50. Side: the part of something that is not the top, bottom, front or back
  51. Skin: you have skin all over your body; people have different skin colours
  52. Smell (past tense smelt) you see with your eyes; you smell with your nose
  53. Step: a place to put your foot when you go up or down
  54. Stick: a long piece of wood; Merrick walks with a stick
  55. Strange: different
  56. Stream: a small river
  57. Tears: water from your eyes when you cry
  58. Theatre: a building where you go to see plays
  59. Touch: to feel something with your hands
  60. Ugly: not beautiful
  61. Voice: you talk with your voice