CHAPTER EIGHT: The Dream Is Just Beginning
‘What did you say your name was?’ asks the security guard.
‘Ellie… Ellie Stevenson! I won the competition! I…’ I have to make him believe me.
For a moment he doesn’t move. He looks like he is thinking about what to do. But then he says, ‘Wait there a minute,’ and he disappears into the van. After what feels like a year, he eventually comes out.
‘The boss wants to see you,’ he says, holding the door open.
Murphy wants to see me! MURPHY WANTS TO SEE ME!
‘What are you waiting for?’ he says when I don’t move. My heart is beating fast and my hands are sweating. I quickly wipe them on my jeans and slowly climb the steps into the van.
When I get inside, Murphy is sitting on a sofa, his guitar on his knee. His green eyes are even greener than they look in magazines. When he looks at me and smiles I think I will faint. Somehow I don’t. A miracle.
‘Ellie, right?’
I nod. I always hated my name, but the way he says it, it sounds so nice.
‘I really like your voice.’
Wow! He really likes my voice!
‘I… I’m really pleased… I mean… that’s great!’ I feel my cheeks starting to turn red. Why do they always do that?
Murphy looks up at me and smiles one of his famous big smiles. ‘Do you know the words to Tonight?’
‘Tonight?… yes…’ I can’t talk properly anymore! What is happening to me?
He picks up his guitar and starts to play.
He wants me to sing with him! Now! Calm down, Ellie. Take a big, deep breath.
I tell myself to imagine that I’m at home.
In my bedroom.
I am not in the van of my favourite singer, backstage at Glastonbury. Those gorgeous green eyes are not looking at me!
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I’m nervous, but soon I’m in a world where only music exists. There is nothing else. I start to sing and only when the song is over, do I open my eyes, instantly embarrassed once more.
‘Terry!’ Murphy shouts and the security man appears.
‘Yes, boss?’
‘I’ve changed my mind,’ he stands up, takes my hand and leads me outside. ‘Call the band. I’m going on stage. And Ellie’s coming with me!’
‘What? I can’t! There are thousands of people out there!’
But Murphy doesn’t look worried. He holds my hand tighter as we follow the security man towards the Pyramid Stage. When we get there, Murphy’s band is waiting.
As they start playing, I turn to Murphy. I have to make him understand that I can’t do this. But before I can find the words, they call us onto the stage.
The crowd cheers. Everything is so much bigger and louder than I have ever imagined. My heart begins to beat faster than ever and I’m sure that I’m going to faint.
But then the crowd is in front of me. When they see Murphy, the audience goes wild.
‘Good evening Glastonbury!!! Are you having a good time?’ A bigger cheer. ‘I’d like to introduce you to a special friend of mine. A young woman who has an amazing voice and an amazing talent. I want you to make her feel welcome tonight. Everyone, this is Ellie!’
He turns to me and smiles and I feel like I’m going to faint! But then the crowd starts to shout, ‘Ellie! Ellie! Ellie!’ Just like in my dream.
Then the band starts to play. Murphy takes my hand in his. At first my voice shakes with emotion, but then I close my eyes, feel Murphy’s touch. The crowd sings with us and it feels incredible. Now it has started, I don’t want this moment to end.
When I open my eyes and look at the crowd, at the front I can see two faces I know. Cassie and Skye are there. They are both smiling proudly and I know that everything is going to be OK.
After a final applause, I leave the stage and Murphy continues with his performance. I watch him from the side with Terry, the security guard.
When he finishes, I turn to leave. But then I feel a hand on my shoulder and Murphy says, ‘Ellie, where are you going?’ His eyes are shining with the magic of performing.
‘Thanks for letting me sing with you. I’ll never forget it.’
‘Please, don’t go yet…’ His voice is quiet and soft. ‘I’d really like you to stay…’ he whispers, taking my hand.
And when I look into his green eyes I know that dreams sometimes do come true.
But maybe mine was just beginning…
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